After being drained, cheeses (both small and large size) are removed from the moulds and set down on stainless steel ripening racks. This is called demoulding.
Demoulding by suction cups
A demoulding by suction cups:
- A manipulator with suction cups connected to a vacuum pump and circuit picks up the cheeses in the block forms and sets them down on one or more waiting racks,
- Strength of the vacuum in the suction cups, designed by Tecnal, is adjusted to cheeses characteristics,
- Removal from moulds by 2, 3, or 4 trays is possible, depending on flow rates,
- Mould removal tools match with the removed format bya system of bins which are easy to change and wash,
- Quick format change (less than 5 minutes),
- Cleaning by CIP.
Demoulding by unstacking
A demoulding by unstacking:
- One-by-one block forms mechanical unstacking insures removing of the cheeses from the moulds,
- This system is recommended for large formats, such as large blocks to be sliced and for customers working with block-forms with bottom,
- The operator should only seize the cheeses.